The Ledger Series: Vetiver
Experience the Ledger Series, featuring nine historically significant Floris fragrances, spanning the brand’s nearly 300-year history.
The Ledger Series: Vetiver
Experience the Ledger Series, featuring nine historically significant Floris fragrances, spanning the brand’s nearly 300-year history.
The Ledger Series: Malmaison Encore
Prepare for a theatrical encore! Experience the Ledger Series, featuring nine historically significant Floris fragrances, spanning the brand’s nearly 300-year history.
The Ledger Series: Malmaison Encore
Prepare for a theatrical encore! Experience the Ledger Series, featuring nine historically significant Floris fragrances, spanning the brand’s nearly 300-year history.
A Springtime Sonata
A Springtime Sonata "April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." - William Shakespeare “Spring drew on...and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the...
A Springtime Sonata
A Springtime Sonata "April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." - William Shakespeare “Spring drew on...and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the...
An Afternoon Ode to Oscar Wilde
An afternoon of tea, champagne and frivolity to celebrate the release of our latest fragrance Wilde. Oscar Wilde frequently visited the Floris boutique during the 19th century.
An Afternoon Ode to Oscar Wilde
An afternoon of tea, champagne and frivolity to celebrate the release of our latest fragrance Wilde. Oscar Wilde frequently visited the Floris boutique during the 19th century.
The A to Z of fragrance: A glossary of Floris perfume terminology
A glossary of perfume terminology, that delves into commonly used fragrances terms and ingredients across Floris perfumes.
The A to Z of fragrance: A glossary of Floris perfume terminology
A glossary of perfume terminology, that delves into commonly used fragrances terms and ingredients across Floris perfumes.